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Purple Loosestrife

Invasive Species

The Threat

An invasive species is any non-native organism that causes detrimental effects to the environment or economy. Several invasive plants, animals, and pathogens threaten the Ausable River watershed. Terrestrial invasive plants can displace native vegetation, creating large monocultures that are poor habitat for native species. Aquatic invasive plants can smother fish habitat, threatening the West Branch's world-class trout fishing. Aquatic invasive animals can also threaten trout by displacing their native food supply or outcompeting young fish. The Ausable River Association (AsRA) works to prevent, monitor, and reduce the spread of invasive species within the Ausable River watershed.

AsRA's Response

To prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species in the Ausable River watershed, AsRA focuses on education and outreach. Invasive species are monitored and reported through our partnership with the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP). AsRA developed the River Steward program to educate river users such as anglers and kayakers about preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. The river steward also provides information at fly shops, farmer's markets, and visitors' bureaus as well as reports, monitors, and removes invasive species within the watershed. AsRA is also involved in the Adirondack Lakes Alliance, which helps lake associations connect with local/state agencies and educational/non-profit organizations.

What You Can Do

You can help prevent the spread of invasive species and protect the recreational value and beauty of the Ausable River and its watershed. 

  • If you are a river user (angler, kayaker, etc.): check, clean, and dry your gear before entering the Ausable. Visit the River Steward page for more information.
  • Only use certified bait when spin fishing.
  • Do not transport firewood - buy it locally.
  • Report any sightings of invasive species to New York iMapInvasives.
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